Riege Software successfully completes certification for ATLAS 9.1
The deadline for changing participants to ATLAS Release AES 3.0 or ATLAS Release 9.1 NCTS is October 29, 2023, by which time all participants must have changed to the new version, otherwise message exchange with ATLAS will no longer be possible. Scope has successfully completed certification by the customs administration for the upcoming changeover.
Scope users will now be successively migrated to the new procedures. This expressly includes Scope Exit, the browser-based application for terminating export procedures at airports. This allows Scope users to access shipment data and transmit AES exit messages at any time and from any location.
The changes made by customs authorities in ATLAS 9.1 Export and Transit are significantly more extensive than in previous versions. There have been many innovations, especially in the message structures. These affect both single consignments and groupage consignments. After the changeover, however, the so-called “transition period” applies for an indefinite period of time, during which some benefits of the new structures can unfortunately not yet be used. Customs declarants who participate in the ATLAS procedure must therefore prepare for massive changes.
“Both certifications, in NCTS and AES, were two-in-one, testing both the transition phase and the live phase. The bottom line is that the effort was close to unreasonable. For example, it would have been nice to have significantly more real-life scenarios, especially significantly more simplified logins in the case studies. This would have eliminated the need for constant user actions on the customs side, and participants would have progressed much more quickly and independently.”
–Dirk Heidenfelder, Product Manager Customs at Riege Software
Riege Software has already extensively informed all ATLAS participants who use Scope for their registration about the upcoming changes. Another opportunity to get closer to this topic and to gain deeper insights into the planned changes in the procedures is the presentation by Dirk Heidenfelder during the Inside Scope event at the end of September. Interested parties can purchase tickets for the presentations on the following event page: https://events.riege.com/inside-scope-2023
Another highlight of the event: Wolfgang Schwab, Managing Director at the Bundesverband der Zollsoftware-Hersteller (BVZH) will also be present and will give an outlook on the changes planned throughout Europe as a result of the revision of the Union Customs Code.
About Riege Software
Riege Software is the creator of Scope, the leading cloud-based software for Air Freight, Ocean Freight and Customs. Designed to be the Digital Standard for digital logistics, Scope enables participants in the global supply chain to practice unrestricted collaboration with just one system.
Established in 1985 and ever since privately owned and managed, Riege has a continuous and sound understanding of the requirements of the logistics industry, serving more than 575 companies of any size in 46 countries. The future of logistics is digital. Scope is the future of digital logistics.
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