Corporate values - in times of crisis more important than ever
In uncertain times, corporate values are of ever greater importance. They define us as people, as a society, but also as a company. They are the network of our community, a guideline for dealing with each other and at the same time a benchmark for humanity. In business, core values are considered a fundamental element of corporate culture and create a sense of orientation for the entire company.
At Riege, we see corporate values not only as a badge for positioning ourselves in the market, but also as a key element of our corporate identity. Warren Buffett once said: “The price is what we pay. The value is what we get.” For Riege, the primary focus is always on the anthropological value. We see ourselves not only as a pioneer in terms of digitalization in the logistics industry, but also in terms of humanity, always maintaining a considerate attitude towards our partners, customers and employees.
We have thoughtfully chosen our core values of respect, integrity and sustainability. We were looking for values that reflect both our internal interactions and our collaboration with customers and service providers. ‘Digital Logistics with a Human Heart’ - that's exactly how we see our company. We believe in boundless cooperation, digitalization with people at the heart, and purposeful growth. This is who we are. This is what makes us human in the digital world and serves as our anchor, even in uncertain times.
“We are primarily interested in community, in cooperation between people. We wanted to define values that, above all, bring our sense of humanity to the fore.”
Last year we once again realised that a human approach towards business relations connects people and can indeed build new bridges. Despite the ongoing global crisis, we provided our employees with the opportunity to work from home using flexible work schedules, while simultaneously finding ways to support our customers without any restrictions. The response to this approach has been positive from both sides. This encourages us as a company to continue to uphold our values and to continue facing new challenges together in the future.