Scope at Cargo Holland
Marc, early in 2012 you started your own company, Cargo Holland. What is your service portfolio and how do you differentiate from competition?
Cargo Holland offers air freight, ocean freight and road transport solutions. We have a large variety of customers with very different commodities. We give every customer personal attention; we offer them tailor-made solutions and our service does not end after delivery of the cargo. Speed and service are both key for our customers. With our state-of-the-art IT system we are able to fulfill this need.
How is the company doing after the first half year and what are your expectations for the future?
Cargo Holland is doing very well. Despite the economic and financial crisis in Europe we are performing according to our business plan. Although it is a difficult time right now with margins being under a lot of pressure, we think we will keep on growing in the near future.
Right from the start you decided to use Scope from Riege Software International for air freight and customs clearance of export shipments – why is that?
I have known the people behind Riege Netherlands for many years. They introduced Scope to us – a very user-friendly, easy-to-use and self-explanatory Transport Management System (TMS). To a very large extent, Scope met our requirements to serve our customers. With Scope we have all relevant information for any shipment to hand at any time. The system provides transparency of all activities. And we also appreciated the fair price and the quality of the product.
What are the main benefits Scope is providing for your business?
Well, when Riege Netherlands showed us the demo of the system we thought Scope is a user-friendly and easy-to-access system. Today we know Scope has contributed to improving our efficiency and productivity. Actually, by using Scope we can handle more files per person per day. We benefit from the system’s intelligence and comprehensiveness.
Do you plan to use other Scope modules as well in the future?
It is possible that we will use the ocean freight module in the future. Cargo Holland wants to develop warehousing and logistics at a later stage so hopefully Riege will be able to support us in that area as well.